Classroom Constitution

Classroom Constitution

In order for your child and all the students in our classroom to have the excellent learning environment they deserve, we developed a plan known as our Classroom Constitution. The plan is based on mutual respect, teamwork, and quality work. The goal of our plan is to develop the long-range characteristics of self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation, respect, and problem solving skills.

In order for expectations to have real meaning, it was necessary for students to take an active part in developing them. Therefore, they had ownership of the Classroom Constitution. With teacher guidance, we developed this Constitution the first week of school.

Classroom Constitution

*We respect people, self, and things in our school

*We follow the Golden Rule: treat others how we want to be treated

*We use our learning tools wisely

*We display self control and safety

*We do our best, quality work

Our Consequences

Strike #1: Warning - verbal or nonverbal

Strike #2: Take a Break - Time "on the bench" for reflection

Strike #3: You're Out! Student writes a "game plan" for improvement, which is sent home to be signed/returned the next day of school

**Teacher discretion will be used in implementing consequences
based on severity of misbehavior.**